Mandala Yoga Dublin
Open level Mandala yoga flow classes lasting  under 60 minutes. Expect to start slowly with some grounding/breathwork then a warm up.  Increase pace with sun salutations and a flow. Then slow down with cool down poses and a rest in shavasana.

This collection is a series of classes from our β€˜Journey through the Chakrasβ€˜ ~ a seven week period during Jan and Feb 2021.

Why is yoga different to every other movement practice you may have tried before? The answer you may well find here.

These classes are a chance to explore a little deeper the more subtle, energetic side of your yoga practice. 

We hope you enjoy.

Muladhara - Root
Swadhisthana - Sacral
Manipura - Solar Plexus
Anahata - Heart
Vishuddha - Throat
Ajna - Third Eye / Brow
 Sahasrara - Crown

January & February 2021  (aka as Lockdown 3.0...!)

This series culminated in a wonderful 90 minute workshop with Manasi Sridhar.  (Workshop available for purchase from the library.)

Our Mandala Special Events classes are about us coming together to celebrate the power of Community. 

If you're in the mood for something a little Uplifting, Fun, Off Piste or Unexpected, you're in the right zone!   This collection features classes we host on major Calendar Day events such as around Christmas, Hallowe'en or International Yoga Day. As well as our Mandala Milestones.

Special Event classes are part of our FREE content collection and available to all.  (Feel free to spread the word. ) Many of these classes were held in aid of our charity partner Aware who provide valuable supports to promote mental health in the community.  

Recent classes include

  • Mandala 3rd Birthday -1 May 2021
  • Paddy's Day - 17 March 2021
  • Valentine's Day - 14 Feb 2021
  • Hallowe'en - 31 October 2020
  • Christmas Festive Flow - 17 Dec 2020
  • World Mental Health Day  - 10 October 2020

 Who We Are.

A bunch of short vignettes created with Mandala students and teachers that we hope bring to life in some way the energy of the Mandala community and the positive uplift we can create when we yoga, work, play together..

#feeltheyogahigh πŸ¦‹

This collection of 45 minute 'chats'  explores our Primary Senses.

A series of 'Fireside Chats' 

March 2021.

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TASTE Nicola Brady from The Food Clinic
SMELL Katie Kirby from A Green Way
SIGHT Aoife Kane from Aoife Kane Yoga
SOUND Liam Oragh of Liam Oragh Sound Healing

Fireside Series ~ SIGHT ~ Aoife Kane ~ Aoife Kane Yoga
Fireside Series ~ SMELL ~ Katie Kirby ~ A Green Way
Fireside Series ~ TASTE ~ Nicola Brady from The Food Clinic

A summary of the Questions & Answers about Essential Oils following Fireside Chat with Katie Kirby.

A series of quick to make, healthy snack recipes including - healthy nuts, vegan pesto, chai jam from Nicola Brady of The Food Clinic.
