Mandala Yoga Dublin

🐾 LIVE ONLINE - Animal Flow WORKSHOP ~ MASTER the BASICS ~ Workshop
with Marcin


April 24 (Saturday)
at 12:00

Class length
75 minutes

Class location

Animal Flow* is a fun and challenging body-weight training discipline that builds strength and mobility. Staying mostly low to the ground, on your hands and feet, you move your body through all the planes of motion.

The real challenge with Animal Flow is to ‘find the flow’  - the fluidity between the new moves you'll learn.  After this workshop, you will have renewed admiration for all our four-footed Animal Kingdom friends! 

Benefits of Animal Flow are 
  • Increased joint mobility and enhanced fast-twitch muscle power 
  • Improved neuro-muscular connection.  
  • Did we mention build core stability?
This interactive workshop is free to Mandala Members with Marcin and his daughter Zosia who will lead us through the basics of Animal Flow:

  • Vital wrist warm-ups / mobilisations
  • The basic foundational starting positions: BEAST  &   CRAB
  • Activations (finally learn to walk like your cat!)
  • Switches and transitions
  • And bring all of the above together to build a fun flow.
NO mat needed but we recommend you find an open space where you can move about in non-linear way. Prepare to connect to your primal roots!

NOTE: Animal Flow is for everyone BUT if you are working through a wrist injury, Animal Flow is not recommended as you spend lots of time on your hands.

* Animal Flow was created by Mike Fitch on his personal journey into a variety of bodyweight disciplines. Check out Animal Flow to be inspired.

* * * Animal Flow (AF)  is part of Mandala On Demand schedule. Check in every Sunday to get access to a recorded class.  Class available for 7 days.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
