Mandala Yoga Dublin

with Vlada Korolova


April 21 (Wednesday)
at 18:00

Class length
45 minutes

Class location
ONLINE Livestream Class

Let's go Right to Centre. Right to The Core.

Vlada is one of Ireland’s few Romana Pilates teachers. She owns The Pilates Studio Dublin in Ranelagh - a hidden gem of a place. 

Vlada shares our passion for fun and mindful connections.

This class is CLASSICAL CORE MAT - a vigorous, yet mindful total body workout. You will not have an opportunity to ‘check out’. 

By the end you will feel energised and revived.

A good Pilates session is like exercising, going to a chiropractor and getting a massage all at the same time. Sounds good!

Vlada is a fierce advocate for preserving the legacy of Joseph H. Pilates, teacher mentor & educator. 

A lifelong student of movement, anatomy and all things related to the body Vlada is Certified through Romana Romana’s Pilates in True Pilates New York. The life changes that Vlada has experienced through Pilates is reflected in her studio’s nurturing and strengthening environment. Vlada also provides ongoing support in training instructors, conducting workshops and master classes. Vlada is known for her individualised multi-layered teaching style. Precise, thoughtful and fun, with a well trained eye & a targeted hands-on approach. NO ESCAPE YOGIS!!


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