Mandala Yoga Dublin

Mandala Shakti Circle
with Manasi & Amy

March 23 (Saturday)
at 14:00

Class length
180 minutes

Class location
WORKSHOP IN STUDIO - Haddington Road

 Mandala means Circle. The circle is an ancient form representing wholeness, continuity and belonging. 


Our Mandala Shakti Circle is a space where women come together to be, to be seen, to be heard and to be held on their journey. Shakti energy is dynamic Power-Full energy - responsible for the creation, maintenance and destruction of the universe.


In this Shakti Circle, Manasi Sridhar and Amy O’Brien, will explore with you the wisdom of this Divine Feminine Shakti energy getting to know the archetypes and goddesses that embody this energy. 

In March we explore Durga.  Durga is a truly fierce form of Parvati. Dressed in red and riding a lion, she is a symbol for the destruction of evil. In her hands she holds weapons, which have the power to annihilate all ignorance and evil. 

Durga fights demons; so, when you need to ward off evil or even destroy it, you’ll want to call in the goddess Durga for support on the battlefield – wielding the weapons to fight anger, separation, guilt, blame, shame, betrayal, greed…the list goes on.

Durga is your inner warrior. She’s the one to invoke when you need to get fierce!

Read more about her here.

This Shakti Circle is a journey of inquiry as we explore and reflect on how Goddess energy shows up in our everyday lives.


What to expect:

We come together to be there for ourselves and for one other. We will sit in Circle as a community in a space free of judgment, competition, expectation, pressure and noise. 

  • A ritual, an altar, a ceremony
  • Asana, pranayama practice to cleanse the body and breath
  • Meditation and journaling for reflection and inquiry
  • Sharing circle to affirm all that you are and you are not.

What to bring:

  • Your authentic self. Come as who you are. Essential for this energy practice
  • A journal and a pen
  • Something close to your heart that you might add to the Shakti Altar.
For any questions, reach out to us [email protected] or connect directly with Manasi or Amy


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