Mandala Yoga Dublin

🦋 🦋 ONLINE - OPEN Power Flow 60 Mins
with Susan Ni D


April 17 (Monday)
at 18:30

Class length
60 minutes

Class location
ONLINE Livestream Class

Thanks for booking LIVE ONLINE Mandala OPEN Power Flow
This is an all levels vinyasa yoga class.
 Expect to breathe, move and flow. 
Plenty of options will be provided. Go at your own pace!

If it's your FIRST online class to practice with Mandala please DOWNLOAD ZOOM 
  1. On to your smartphone.  (Visit the Apple or Google Store.)
  2. Download Zoom software to your laptop.
  3. Make sure your microphone/sound on your phone or computer is ON and volume turned up.
A laptop or iPad is generally a better experience than your phone. (Or link up to your home TV.)

Once you register for class, you will receive an email booking confirmation. (Check your inbox.) 
You'll also receive a reminder email about 30 mins before class starts.

What happens when I click the link
 If you've got zoom installed, on entry make sure to click JOIN AUDIO. You then enter 

- our virtual ‘Waiting Room’ until the teacher lets you in a few minutes before class.
- you're on mute with no video

(We encourage you to turn on your camera so the teacher can 'virtually' assist or encourage you.  But entirely up to you.)

Everyone is muted while class is in progress. If you like to practise to music have your spotify at the ready.

We generally don't have sound issues but if there is a problem, do send message via CHAT or WAVE so teacher knows there is an issue.

For the best experience we recommend you have
  • your mat set up ahead of time.
  • a LAPTOP (or a device with a larger screen).
  • your wifi / home broadband switched on with as few devices as possible.
  • sound switched on on your phone or laptop.
  • an open mind - especially if it's your first time!
Thank you for joining us across the airwaves.



Sorry - that class has already taken place!
